The fate of Princess Amelia

What happened to Amelia and Jonathon? The younger two of the Emperor's children never made it home and at the end of the first book there has been no explanation of why.

This is short tale is the tragic explanation of why Amelia never found out she was a Princess.

Not thinking about what he was doing, Jim spun the knife round in his hand before setting it down next to the sink. His daughter's packed lunch was made and he did not need to make one for himself, he was heading over to the Smithson's holding and Janet always laid on food when he went there. She said he appreciated her cooking more than her husband did, but Jim was sure she enjoyed cooking for anyone who ventured to their isolated farmstead.
He glanced up at the clock and sighed. “Amelia! It's to get up, you'll be late for school!”
There was no reply.
He took a deep breath and counted to three. She was a sweet girl but at a very pretentious twelve years old she was testing her limits and her parent's patience more and more. “Amelia! I'm not kidding around! Get up now!”
Normally Anoushka would get her out of bed, Jim's wife had a knack of getting their little girl to do what was needed and knowing when to bribe and when to threaten. Jim was forever getting an earful when he got it the wrong way round. This morning Anoushka had been called to work early; it was foaling time and all the vet's were on every hour God sent doing their best for the local farmers.
There was still no answer from upstairs.
Grumbling to himself and asking why he had ever left the Army to take his little dysfunctional family to the sticks he left the kitchen and ascended the creaky wooden stairs to venture into his daughter's ever messy room.
Amelia was still in bed, her duvet pulled tight around her despite the summer heat.
Jim opened his mouth to berate her but something was not right.
Sluggishly opening reluctant eyes, Amelia looked up. “Daddy, I don't feel well. It's too cold.” she spoke in a small voice.
He sat down on the edge of the bed and laid a hand on her forehead. “You're burning up.” Annoyance gave way abruptly to concern. “I'm going to call the Doctor. You stay in bed.”
“Daddy,” Amelia pleaded as he stood. “Don't go.”
“I'll only be gone for a minute, I'll be right back when I'm off the phone.” he ran a gentle hand down her cheek before going back down the stairs to find the phone.
It should have been in it's cradle on the table next to the sofa but it never was, it was always just thrown where ever when a call was ended. Eventually Jim found it under a cushion and he was growling as he called for the surgery to be dialled.
“I'm sorry, Jim, Dr Hart is very busy today.” the secretary was genuinely apologetic, she did not know Jim very well but she went to the same painting class as Anoushka every Thursday night.
“I don't care how busy he is. Amelia's laid up in bed with a fever but she's complaining she's cold. I'm not an expert but I know that's not a good thing.”
“I'll call him and see where he is. Do you want me to get another Doctor to call in if he's not available?”
Jim hesitated. He trusted Dr Hart, the man was ex-military as well, and they usually would insist on only him treating their little troublemaker, but this time she really did look very ill. “ Yes, please.”
“I'll call you back when I have an appointment for you.”
“Thank you.” Carefully, Jim replaced the phone back on it's cradle and walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water to take up to Amelia. He had taken the glass from the cupboard and filled it under the tap before shaking his head and going back to the phone. Anoushka would only get angry with him if he did not at least call her to say Amelia was ill. There was nothing she could in the middle of a field but if she was kept informed she was part of the team.
He dialled three times and on each occasion was left listening to the answer phone message. On the last attempt he asked his darling wife to call when she got a minute.
Then there was a knock at the front door.
Amelia's water was set back down and Jim strode to the front door, glancing as he always did up at the framed photograph on the hall of him with Anoushka and a two week old Amelia. It was taken the day they got her, the very day she was first handed to them by a mother who could not care for her own child. They had never made a secret of Amelia's adoption, but at the same time they did not make an issue of it, no matter how she came into the universe, she was their daughter and they loved her. It was a photograph that never failed to stir emotion.
He opened the door and his jaw dropped. “Hart?” he stuttered. “What's going on?”
At his door Dr Hart was barely recognisable under a yellow clean suit and mask. “A contagion's been brought planet side. Your wife fell ill at work and she's been moved to an isolation wing at the hospital but we need to run some tests on you and your daughter.”
It took a moment for Jim to process what he had just been told. “Amelia's upstairs, but she's not well.”
The masked men behind Dr Hart started to move forward but were stopped. “Jim, bring her down and we'll take you both to the hospital.”
Doing his best to stay calm and unflustered, Jim gently lifted Amelia out of her bed and let them both be loaded into an ambulance.
He asked everyone what had happened to his wife, how ill she was and what was wrong with her, but there were no answers.

The hour long ride to the hospital seemed like an eternity holding Amelia's hand as the carefully protected paramedics took blood samples and did what little they could to make them comfortable.
Jim did his best to keep Amelia calm but she knew something was very wrong and he was far from calm himself.
He was determined to not be separated from his daughter, but the moment they arrived she was sent one way and he another. He was only just able to grab Hart before the Doctor too disappeared through the door.
“Jim, I know you're worried, but you have to let me go.” Hart tried unsuccessfully to shake the broad man from his isolation suit.
“Not until you tell me how bad this is.”
“Honestly, I need to know.”
“I'm sorry, Jim,” Hart was genuinely upset. Whatever this contagion was, it had already claimed it's first victims and even the healthy were falling victim to it in a frighteningly short time. “I really am.”
Jim swore. “I need a secure line, top priority.”
“What are you talking about?” Hart frowned. Jim was a good man, a jack of all trades who could be relied upon to fix just about anything you gave him, he had been a military engineer and a good one by the sounds of it but that was all.
“Major Andrew Hart,” Jim barked. “I'm invoking a Delta Echo emergency, get me an outside line now.”
“What the hell are you talking about? You can't do that, you don't have that authority and there's no Delta here.” Hart was alarmed. A Delta Echo emergency was a Royal in danger, a code that anyone and everyone had to respond to. What was his old associate playing at?
Jim yanked the Doctor to the side of the corridor and pushed his face up to the man's visor. “I an Imperium Sleeper, so is Anoushka, figure it out.”
“But that- That's impossible.”
“Get me a secure line and I'll prove it.”
“If you're lying, you'll go to prison.”
“Do it, Hart, now.”
It took Hart only a few minutes to gain access to a terminal and Jim sat himself in front of it.
“It's only a local terminal, you'll need a hook up for an off world call, that'll take a while.” Hart warned.
Jim snorted as he typed the emergency user code and password he had fortunately never before needed. “You think so? You should have told me how bad it was before we left home, I could had a team on the way by now.”
Hart stayed silent, he was not convinced Jim had not lost his mind, but it was giving him something to concentrate on that was not panicking over his wife and child.
It took only three minutes for a connection to be made, a record time that made Hart start to wonder if there was something to Jim's words.
The woman who appeared on screen was in uniform. “Authentication, please, sir.”
“I'm out of location,” Jim shook his head. “I don't have the software.”
“Personal Code, please, sir.” the request was changed.
“73829 Kappa Omega. I have a Delta Indigo one three situation.” as he spoke, Jim raised a hand to his brow, wiping off a fresh sheen of sweat.
The woman on screen blinked and her eyes widened even as her calm tone did not change. “Yes, sir, transferring you now.”
It took another minute, synchronising the communications always took time but on such a high importance link enough power was put into the process to make it rapid as possible. During that time Jim again wiped his face and shook his head irritably as he realised he was suddenly feeling so drained of energy. What was wrong with him? He needed more information.
“Hart, what's going on outside? I need to know to report it.”
“Two days ago a man walked into the emergency room and collapsed. He was our first patient, we don't know how he got it but he had only just arrived planet side. Yesterday it all went crazy and now we have a full epidemic on our hands with nothing to treat it it.”
“How potent is it?”
Hart did not want to answer but he knew he had to. “Currently 80% mortality rate.”
This time the uniform worn was a reassuringly familiar one, it was distinctive and worn by the men and women in Jim and Anoushka's regiment.
“What's your emergency, sir?” the man asking knew exactly who he was talking, there was no need for introductions.
“Unknown contagion. Indigo three is condition unknown, in hospital, KO1 same and,” Jim shook his head again. “I think it's got me too. It's serious and deadly. Medical and security response required.”
“Logged. It's on it's way.”
Another face appeared abruptly. It belonged to a man in the same uniform and he looked out of breath, as though he had been running. He had. The emergency code had been raised and when all hell was breaking loose with the other Indigos this could only mean the worst trouble. “What's happening, James?”
Jim's shoulders dropped. “Colonel, it's bad. Amy's seriously ill, Noosh is too, something's just arrived on planet. I'm in a hospital that's like a war zone, two days ago it was situation normal, now it's bedlam, this isn't right. And I,” Jim reached out behind him, grabbing at Hart and tugging him forward. “I don't know how long I'm going to be functioning. Colonel Meakes, this is Doctor Hart, Major retired. He's been treating Amy since we came here, he's good, I trust him.”
Colonel Meakes looked at the man beside Jim but could make out little behind the hazard suit. “Are you aware of who and what Amy is?”
“Jim said Indigo,” Hart said slowly. “I know what that means.”
“Good. If Jim is down when aide arrives they'll be directed to you. You've just been reactivated, Major.”
Hart was not sure how he felt about that, he had retired many years ago, but if it was all true, if Amy was indeed a Princess then it was clear what he had to do. “Yes, sir.”
Jim realised the world around him was swimming. “I think I'm already down. Sorry, Colonel, I never figured on having to fight off a virus.”
“It's not something you were trained for.” Meakes acknowledged softly. “Do your best, that's all I ever ask.”
“Will do, sir.”

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